One Million Reasons ​is an ambitious fundraising campaign supporting scholarships for the

Frank H. Netter School of Medicine.

Our goal is to raise $1 million by September 12, 2023, the 10-year anniversary of the dedication and naming of the School. Please support our mission of educating and nurturing future generations of diverse, compassionate and humanistic physicians by enhancing scholarship support for students with financial need. Your gift will have a positive impact on the future of medicine.

Support Medical Students Today!


The Reasons

Reason #1: Scholarships Allow Students to Follow Their Dreams

A day for dreaming and destiny

Sheila Eghbali, MD '22, emigrated from Iran to the United States as a teenager. It proved to be a formative moment in her life. "Ever since I was in high school, I knew that I wanted to go into medicine." Once Eghbali was admitted to the School of Medicine, she received the Primary Care Fellowship to cover her full tuition, making her dream a possibility. "I'm so grateful to everyone - the students, the faculty, the administration," Eghbali said. "When I was a teacher, I worked with at-risk kids with a history of trauma who came from underserved populations. I want to help them. I want to help all communities. Family medicine will give me a chance to do that."

Reason #2: Scholarships Allow Students to Pursue Their Passions

Emmanuel Dwomoh MD, '25, from the Bronx, New York, was the recipient of the St. Vincent's Medical Center Primary Care Scholarship. Considering projected physician shortages in primary care, scholarships are critical to meet this important need. Students with significant debt burdens may avoid lower-paying specialties like primary care, even if it is their passion. Click on the image of Emmanuel to hear his message of gratitude.

Tell us YOUR reason!

We invite you to share your personal scholarship story.

Share your reason!




For information on more ways to give, click here.

Please contact Alexis Salsedo-Surovov, Senior Director of Development at or (860) 839-4035 should you have any questions.