Giving to Quinnipiac
Foundation Relations

Giving to Quinnipiac
Foundation Relations
Foundation Relations cultivates mutually beneficial relationships with private foundations and related organizations by drawing upon Quinnipiac’s strengths and the resources of its 9 schools (Arts & Sciences, Business, Communications, Education, Computing & Engineering, Health Sciences, Law, Medicine and Nursing) to ensure a strong fit with each foundation’s goals and interests. Working collaboratively to develop and implement strategic funding opportunities, our aim is to address pressing challenges through sound educational solutions to profoundly impact the lives of students and benefit the larger national and global communities.
Grant Applications
Foundation Relations also assists faculty throughout the grant process to provide a seamless transition from initial conversations to assistance with proposal development and editing to ensure quality proposals and timely submission. In addition, its staff provides project management for grant reports and stewardship strategies for funded partnerships.
Contact Us
To learn more, contact Wendy Connuck, director of foundation relations, at 203-582-7179 or wendy.connuck@qu.edu.